• ALBUM REVIEW: NO MURDER NO MOUSTACHE – ‘The Odds Are Stacked Against’ (2021)

    Pync Roc efo dylanwadau Celtaidd. Weithiau acwstig, weithiau ddim, wastad pync. One man Welsh Punk Rock with Celtic influences. Sometimes acoustic, sometimes not, always Punk The Odds Are Stacked Against is the second release from Welsh one man band Owen Crawford in the guise of No Murder No Moustache. It seems to be the trend…

  • EP REVIEW: THE PLACKS- ‘Rebellious Sons’ (2019)

    The debut release from The Placks based in the Scottish Highlands and Islands. World champion Pipers and Punk-Rock legends combine to play a concoction of Celtic infused Punk-Rock and Trad-Folk, but with melody, mirth and a message! One thing that is always levelled at the Celtic-Punk scene is that it is often inauthentic. There are…


    Today the 30492- London Celtic Punks web zine is four years old today so what better way to celebrate our birthday than to give you this small but perfectly formed potted history of Celtic-Rock. We have never just wanted to be a place that only reviews new records we want to celebrate everything that makes us…


    FREE DOWNLOADS OF THEIR ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY ANHREFN THE WELSH CLASH! The Welsh Clash, apparently, although the Sex Pistols is an equally viable comparison. And very good they were, too. Not for them the mindless thrashings of hardcore, these guys wrote proper songs, with tunes. Playing fantastic melodic punk and only ever singing in Welsh they…


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