• ALBUM REVIEW: LOUIS RIVE- ‘The Cheap Part Of Town’ (2018)

    The debut album from Louis Rive a Scottish singer-songwriter drawing on all aspects of folk music from traditional to barroom ballad to modern day tale-tellers and poets. Influenced by The Pogues, Hamish Imlach, Michael Marra and The Corries Louis has set out to continue the grand tradition of the Celtic storytelling musician. Funny sometimes the…

  • EP REVIEW: JOHNNY CAMPBELL- ‘Robbie Burns Volume1’ (2014)‏

    The first in a series of EP’s from Johnny Campbell, the lead singer of Yorkshire celtic-punk band Three Sheets T’Wind. With the band currently dormant for now Johnny has gone back to his Scot’s roots and recorded this five track EP which consists of four songs in which Johnny has put music to the words…


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