New six track EP of original Celtic-Punk songs from Catalonian band Lád Cúig and available as a ‘name your price’ download.

One thing we don’t see enough of in the Celtic-Punk scene are the Celtic languages being used. They are some amazing bands out there singing in their native tongue chiefly, the incredible, Les Ramoneurs De Menhirs from Brittany and several north American bands that include gaelic in their repertoire but we would always love to see more. So it is that it takes a Catalan band to lead by example and it’s such an interesting way Lád Cúig chose their name I’m happy to share it with you. Formed in 2005 in the municipality of Arenys de Munt. It’s a part of Catalonia that every year sees the Riera d’Arenys, which runs through the town, burst it’s banks as soon as it rains and the whole place is flooded.  Lád Cúig means ‘the five of the stream’ in Irish paying homage to the Riera d’Arenys, to the five members who started the band and to the music and culture that was the starting point of their music – Celtic folk.

Coming from Catalonia the links between their own nation and that of the Celtic nations are obvious. A nation occupied by another that suppresses its language, culture and traditions. Despite this they continue to thrive and strive for independence. That these Bhoys should choose Celtic-Punk as their vehicle to spread their message is not unusual for while Celtic music is best enjoyed with a beer, a laugh and a singsong, and Lád Cúig are no exception, it’s also used to spread ideas on social and cultural issues.

“We understand music as our means of denouncing what we believe is not fair, which is an infinite number of things. There are many things to change and a lot of work to do, and people have to see it, and the most effective means we have to convey it is our music” says Carles,

Despite coming together back in 2005 it wasn’t until eight years later till they released their self produced debut album Tenim les Arelles which they followed up in 2016 with Poemes de Destruction and the days since then have seen several singles and EP’s released including their last album Des de Dins in 2021 and while the members of the band have come and gone, the original five extended up to eight at one point, the mission has been the same.

Biel explains: “the starting point is Celtic rock”

Their new self titled EP consists of six tracks and are all sang in their own language of Catalan. Having never heard them before it’s hard to say but according to what I have read their sound had got progressively more harder over the years than their Celtic Folk roots. So we start with the opening song and ‘Nost​à​lgia’ is a great way to kick things off. A real Punk’n’Roll vibe running through it with some great bagpiping and some very cool shouty (but not too much) vocals that are clear and fit perfectly in. If you buy the album from Bandcamp then the lyrics are included but they are in Catalan! Catchy as hell and maybe not for the fainthearted Folkies out there but as with everything on this site give it a go and see. ‘El Seu Nom’ continues in the same vein with some Dropkicks style guitar licks and gang vocals and a great shouty chorus. ‘Primera Revolució’ is a furious call to arms to carry the traditions of old into the modern day but to also try new ways. After all isn’t that what Celtic-Punk is exactly – a new way.

“Tired of taking shortcuts
that others already tried and failed.

Always installed in defeat
that others already fought and did not win.

You know it’s been hard for us to find the tools
that another generation had already buried.

We are ready to do the work
that our duty to history has imposed on us.”

A quick word for the video which is simple but effective and teaches us we don’t need a degree in cinematography to make a great video just an idea. ‘Tota La Vida Per Davant’ sees the Bhoys pause for breathe… a little. A Indie take on their usual Celtic rocker resulting in a real Bluesy foot tapper! ‘La Gran Ressaca’ translates as the great hangover and the Celtic-Punk tradition of drinking songs continues! ‘D’Allà On Venim’ translates to from where we come and we go from some classy Celtic-Punk to a more Folk orientated way to bring the curtain down on the EP. With a sound reminding me of The Men They Couldn’t Hang in their prime it’s a brilliant song and please take the time to translate the lyrics about being the child and grandchild of immigrants who gave up everything and worked their blood, sweat and tears out to make for us a better life. A great sentiment and a great song.

The EP was recorded in EM Studio and mixed by Xavi Escribano and produced by Quim Mas. Though fairly short, it’s six songs coming in at just under nineteen minutes as their is loads going on and their is no chance of anyone finding this music dull! Lád Cúig is available as ‘name your price’ download from Bandcamp and what that means is that it’s anything from 0 to £1,000,000. So if you’re broke then help yourselves but if you can chip a bit in to keep this great band on the road and drinking Guinness – it’s expensive in Catalonia you know! This is an outstanding EP and one we will be revisiting again at the turn of the year when its time to pick the best Celtic-Punk releases of the year!

(Stream / download Lád Cúig from the Bandcamp player below)

Contact Lád Cúig  Facebook  YouTube  Grooveshark


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